Who should be covered ?
If you are an accountant, architect, consultant, engineer, lawyer or designer, or earn your living by charging a fee for service,
This will protect you and your business if you have made mistakes or are found to have been negligent
What is the difference between Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Liability Insurance reimburses you AFTER any legal action has been determined
Professional Indmenity Insurance is designed to STOP or DETER any legal action against you
Areas of Cover
• Breach of professional duty | |
• Negligent act | |
• Error or Omission | |
• Libel or Slander | |
• Loss of documents | |
• Intellectual Property | |
• Joint Venture Liability | |
• Acts, errors or omissions committed by: Consultants, Sub-contractors & Agents |
Exclusions | |
• Fraud and Dishonesty | |
• Prior or Pending claims known to insured before the policy is taken out |