What is Critical Illness insurance ?
A lump sum payment to you if you are diagnosed with one of 36 illnesses listed below.
This substantial amount of money will help pay some of your medical costs, or pay for a vacation to recuperate, or settle other unexpected expenses
How much money ?
Rp 50.000.000 or US$ 10,000 per unit at the time you are diagnosed. Units can be upgraded to a maximum of five units - Rp 250.000.000 or US$ 50,000
Payment is made at the time of diagnoses, except for Coronary Artery Disease and Major Organ Transplant, where payment will be made after undergowing actual surgery
36 Critical Illnesses
1 | Cancer / Kanker |
2 | Myocardial Inarction (Heart Attack) / Ifark Miokarial |
3 | Coronary Artery Disease requiring surgery / Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang memerlukan operasi |
4 | Cerebrovascular Attack (Stroke) / Serangan Serebrovaskuler |
5 | Major Organ Failure requiring transplant / Kegagalan Organ Tubuh penting yang memerlukan transplantasi |
6 | Kidney Failure / Gagal Ginjal |
7 | Paralysis / Kelumpuhan |
8 | Muscular Dystrophy |
9 | Multiple Sclerosis |
10 | Blindness in Both Eyes / Kehilangan Pengihatan Total kedua mata |
11 | Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease / Penyakit jantung berbahaya lainnya |
12 | Surgery to Aorta / Operasi Pembuluh Aorta |
13 | Heart Valve Replacement /Operasi Penggantian Katup Jantung |
14 | Alzheimers's Disease/Irreversable Organic Degenerative Brain Disease / Penyakit Alzheimer/Gangguan Otak Organik Degeneratif yang tidak disembuhkan |
15 | Fulminant Viral Hepatitis |
16 | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension |
17 | Coma / Koma |
18 | Loss of Hearing / Kehilangan Pendengaran |
19 | Loss of Speech / Kehilangan Kemampuan Berbicara |
20 | Major Burns / Luka Bakar Besar |
21 | Terminal Illness |
22 | End Stage Lung Disease / Penyakit Paru-paru tahap akhir |
23 | Cronic Liver Disease / Penyak Hati Kronis |
24 | Motor Neurone Disease / Penyakit Motor Neuron |
25 | Parkinson's Disease / Parkinson |
26 | Aplastic Anaemia / Anemia Aplastik |
27 | Angioplasty / Angioplasti |
28 | Coronary Laser Treatment / Perawatan Laser Koroner |
29 | Coronary Atherectomy / Atherectomy Koroner |
30 | Encephalitis |
31 | Benign Brain Tumor / Tumor Otak Jinak |
32 | Major Head Trauma / Gregar Otak Serius |
33 | Bacterial Meningitis / Bakteri Meningitis |
34 | Poliomyelitis / Polio |
35 | Apallic Syndrome / Sindrom Apalik |
36 | Loss of Independent Existence/Kehilangan Kemampuan Mandiri |